Our philosophy

NHA believes all teachers are teachers of EL students and we are committed to ensuring that EL students have access to high-quality education and instruction. We believe that student learning is first and foremost an adult responsibilty. If a student has not mastered the material we have taught them, then we must adjust our instructional strategies.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Celebrate Diversity

Like any student, the English Language Learner wants to feel connected to their school. Challenges such as language comprehension, social norms, religious differences, and different background experiences can sometimes be so great that it blocks a student from feeling that connection. When a child becomes too overwhelmed with all these differences they really wont be thinking 'how can I improve my reading level?'

One simple way to ease that is to show interest in them and their culture. Find out where they are from. Show them you want to know more. Also, make sure your classroom teachers are aware of their background. Take a classroom/school census. Acknowledge and celebrate the many cultures.

If you do not have a space dedicated to cultural awareness you might want to consider finding a wall in your building! Take a look at Excel's great representation of their school's cultural make up!

Don't worry if you have a small population of ELLs! We live in a nation of immigrants, many of us came from elsewhere. Open it up to include your staff, or maybe the entire school! What a fun opportunity to teach about a census?!

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