Whether you're a new teacher or a seasoned one, we all might harbour some fear of testing. Especially a big test like your state's approved English proficency assessment. A four parter!
Where to start? How to divvy it up? Here's a quick list of best practices for you.
1. It might sound self explanatory, but
read the Test Coordinator's Manual, or re-read it. This will answer the bulk of your questions and help frame your mind into testing mode.
Begin when you are able- with all the snow days, vacation days, and sick days it's best to get started when the testing window opens up. No one likes scrambling.
Divvy up responsibility- are there 2 ELL teachers at your school, 1? 3? Divide it up into a reasonable caseload.
Pick a grade level to start at, either work up or down from there. Finish a grade level before moving on the the next.
5. Don't burn yourself out with the
Speaking portion- devote an hour or 2 per day where you'll do only this section. Bring a bottle of water to keep your mouth hydrated!
Prioritize. Many of our schools cannot find time for actual teaching during the testing window. Some can. If you fear test burn-out, or want to have a little more balance, decide which small group you will service regardless of testing. For example, I saw my high need 2nd graders each day for an hour during the test window. It broke up testing for me and also supported my most needed group.
Keep a record- know who you have left to test and on which parts of the test
Inform the classroom teachers- many of us wont be able to follow the agreed pull-out/push-in schedule. Let the teacher know this is an important test and it happens only once a year for these kids.
Commander a classroom or quiet space- bargain if you have to!
10. Make sure your
kids are well fed- keep a basket of nutritious treats around. Grumbling stomachs don't make for a great testing experience.
Good Luck!