Our philosophy

NHA believes all teachers are teachers of EL students and we are committed to ensuring that EL students have access to high-quality education and instruction. We believe that student learning is first and foremost an adult responsibilty. If a student has not mastered the material we have taught them, then we must adjust our instructional strategies.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Draw Write Color!

One of my all time favorite activities which I file under the heading "Laura's Go-to, no-prep needed, differentiated, all-subject, 5-minute, engaging, mini-lesson". I'd say that pretty much encompasses what it is all about.

Materials needed: scrap paper, pencils, crayons

1. Draw 1-5 lines on each paper (Kinde's get 1 line, upper grades get more)
2. Kids (and yourself- come on!) draw a picture in the blank space (maybe you want it on a certain topic, or simply a free-draw). Set a timer (2-3 minutes), stick to it.
3. Everyone write a few sentences (be clear on expectations) describing your drawing. I like to use sentence starters/stems with my younger grades ("In my picture I am..." "This picture shows..."). I also like having a white board handy to  quickly joy down proper spellings.
4. Color it in!
5. Share out, get and give positive feedback
6. I like stapling our pictures together with a construction paper cover to make simple class books.

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