One of my all time favorite activities which I file under the heading "Laura's Go-to, no-prep needed, differentiated, all-subject, 5-minute, engaging, mini-lesson". I'd say that pretty much encompasses what it is all about.
Materials needed: scrap paper, pencils, crayons
1. Draw 1-5 lines on each paper (Kinde's get 1 line, upper grades get more)
2. Kids (and yourself- come on!) draw a picture in the blank space (maybe you want it on a certain topic, or simply a free-draw). Set a timer (2-3 minutes), stick to it.
3. Everyone write a few sentences (be clear on expectations) describing your drawing. I like to use sentence starters/stems with my younger grades ("In my picture I am..." "This picture shows..."). I also like having a white board handy to quickly joy down proper spellings.
4. Color it in!
5. Share out, get and give positive feedback
6. I like stapling our pictures together with a construction paper cover to make simple class books.
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