Our philosophy

NHA believes all teachers are teachers of EL students and we are committed to ensuring that EL students have access to high-quality education and instruction. We believe that student learning is first and foremost an adult responsibilty. If a student has not mastered the material we have taught them, then we must adjust our instructional strategies.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Get Excited about Language!

I had the pleaseure to visit our schools in Ohio this past week and picked up some great ideas to share with you!

What better way to engage a student and get them excited to play with words than to allow them access to your materials! Pathway Charter Academy makes it hard not to pick something out and take it home to play with!
Everything displayed was asking to be picked. From word games, to dictionaries and books.
A dictionary never looks as engaging when hiding away in a bookshelf.

Just like a birthday gift, these shiny bags are sent home containing stories and materials to be used and returned. From the schools experience it seemed the kids loved showing off their Book Bag of goodies.

So get your things off the shelves! Display them and encourage students to bring them home. And hopefully a little incentive will bring those materials back to you :)

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