Our philosophy

NHA believes all teachers are teachers of EL students and we are committed to ensuring that EL students have access to high-quality education and instruction. We believe that student learning is first and foremost an adult responsibilty. If a student has not mastered the material we have taught them, then we must adjust our instructional strategies.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Welcome to a Prezi!

Here's a fun technology to become acquainted with if you're tired of having your kids create PowerPoints or posters.

I created one in 10 minutes that gives you a little insight to my professional background, check it out here:
Hit the arrows on the bottom to guide you through.

Why I love it:
  • really easy to learn- don't give up!
  • has a 1 minute teaching demo
  • you can search many topics and see some great Prezis already created
  • Fun and engaging!

1 comment:

  1. I love Prezi! Create it online and you can access it anywhere b/c it's in "the cloud". I have one that I made for an ELL presentation for mainstream teachers titled something like "5 things you can do right now". I just need to find a way to add my fill-in handout for printing and it's a mini-PD right there. Feel free to search for that one, it's pretty basic info, but for people new to ELL it's hopefully helpful. Search under my name: Pam Stradley.
